North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group

We are the unified voice of the marketplace for sustainable North East Atlantic pelagic seafood

A market-led approach to
sustainable seafood

We are a collective of retailers, food service companies, and supply-chain businesses with a commitment to sourcing sustainable seafood and achieving long-term sustainability through robustly managed pelagic fisheries.

Using commercial leverage to drive sustainability into pelagic fisheries management

We are using our collective voice to advocate for long-term, science-based management of North East Atlantic pelagic stocks: for prospering oceans, fisheries, and business security.

Responsible decision-making is key for responsibly managed fisheries

NAPA represents an unprecedented coalition of business leverage, pushing hard to stop overfishing of iconic – and globally important – pelagic stocks, namely North East Atlantic mackerel, Atlanto-Scandian herring, and North East Atlantic blue whiting.

To achieve this, NAPA is calling on the Coastal States targeting these stocks to put aside the complexities of politics and prioritise long-term sustainability.

Environmental sustainability, good business sense, and ethical products for consumers

The market wants to see these stocks managed in a way that helps them meet their commitments to people and planet – robust, long-term management will allow NAPA partners to source from these fisheries with confidence.

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Discover more about NAPA’s work to safeguard a sustainable future for North East Atlantic pelagic fisheries

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NAPA’s vision is to build a shared, global, and non-competitive solution to sustainability issues in North East Atlantic pelagic fisheries.

In realising this vision, retailers will be able to source ethical and sustainable pelagic seafood from fisheries in this region with confidence.

This confidence must be rooted in the knowledge that long-term, science-based management practices are in place, vocally supported by Coastal States’ decision-makers – meaning that supply is secure, and stocks will remain healthy into the future.

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