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Blown it: Coastal States spectacularly fail to meet their own deadline to agree shares on Northeast Atlantic Mackerel

Date of Issue: 31 March 2023 TIME’S UP! In December 2022, the Northeast Atlantic Coastal...

Zero hour for Northeast Atlantic pelagics: Waitrose repeats call for Coastal States to fish responsibly

Date of issue: 1 March 2023 With the Coastal States’ self-imposed deadline to reach an...

Eminent UK salmon retailers step forward to highlight consequences of inaction on North East Atlantic blue whiting management

Date of issue: 15 February 2023 Since 2015, the North East Atlantic Coastal States have...

Golden opportunity for Northeast Atlantic blue whiting: “Don’t blow it” say top seafood supply-chain businesses

Date of issue: 31 January 2023 Talks to secure a quota sharing arrangement for Northeast...

Coastal States negotiations unpacked: Are pelagic fisheries entering new waters?

Date of issue: 16 January 2023 The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA) has released...

NAPA catches first member company from the USA, as the market’s influence on North East Atlantic pelagic fisheries grows

Date of issue: 5 December 2022 The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA) has announced...

“This overfishing can’t go on” – NAPA and the MSC unite in calling for tangible action on sustainable management of pelagic stocks at the 2022 Coastal States meeting

Date of issue: 18 October 2022 Open letter to ministers from NAPA and the Marine...

Newly Published ICES Advice Reveals Further Reductions in Catch are Required

Date of issue: 17 October 2022 The news.  The International Council for the Exploration of...

While the UN Ocean Conference backs sustainable fisheries, major Coastal States commit to continued overfishing back home

Date of issue: 30 June 2022 The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA) is the...

NAPA reaffirms its commitment to sustainable pelagic fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic

Date of issue: 15 June 2022 We, the North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA), issued...

Fisheries management failures in the Northeast Atlantic propel major brands to turn to Chilean jack mackerel as a sustainable alternative to overfished Northeast Atlantic mackerel

Date of issue: 9 June 2022 Open letter from NAPA to politicians as major brands...

‘The status quo is unsustainable’ says global supply chain collective, as the Faroes adds to the list of Coastal States setting pelagic quotas before sharing agreement is reached

Date of issue: 10 May 2022 Since February of this year, Northeast Atlantic Coastal States...

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